Analytical investigations were undertaken to assess the seismic performance of a hospital building located in Southern California in seismic zone 4. The structure consists of a eight‐story steel, and a bottom story reinforced concrete superstructure constructed over four levels of sub‐grade parking stories. The building is rectangular, is 125 ft tall, and has total floor area of 130,000 ft2. Steel and concrete moment‐resisting frame along the grid lines of the building provide resistance to lateral loading. Project‐specific design guidelines and FEMA, and SAC guidelines were used for evaluation. A comprehensive three‐dimensional mathematical model of the structure was prepared. Nonlinear response history analysis of the existing building revealed that the performance was inadequate. In particular, story drifts and member nonlinear flexural rotations exceeded the limits specified in the design guidelines. The building rehabilitation consists of adding fluid viscous damper frames to the exterior faces of the building. The structure was then re‐analyzed in the new configuration, and its performance was satisfactory.

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